This is just too cool - on Wednesday, June 16, Governor Jack Markell signed the "BFF" bill, providing real incentives for all of us to invite more businesses to Delaware - check out the details here.
If you clicked on the link above, you should have seen some great photos from the bill signing ceremony, but you did not see THIS photo:
Take a look at what Representative Tom Kovach is doing here (second from the right) - YES - he is letting all of us know about the bill signing via Twitter and Facebook!
And yes, Governor Markell posted about the bill signing, too
How Cool Is THAT!? WE are given real access to what's happening in Legislative Hall (seriously, Rep. Kovach regularly posts which committee meetings he's in, what's happening on the House Floor, and the kinds of discussions going on) - welcome to a whole new world!
If you're not already following @TomKovach and @GovernorMarkell - you should, now! Both are setting an example of what it means to be public servants, communicating with us - not just speaking at us.
As more elected officials, government leaders, business leaders, community activists, parents, teachers, students, friends, and family members engage in communicating together, I am confident we will see not only innovative solutions to issues, but also more cooperation and huge advances in our communities, our state, and our society.
Also...the Governor specifically mentioned tweeting as a way to get the word out about Delaware as he introduced the legislation!